Thursday, August 6, 2009

Beer and beanballs

Beer update: Wifey and I have just a Cecil Fielder-load of booze left over from the wedding -- and yes, you're all invited to come drink anytime (Sox fans must wait until after the game Sunday; you're not allowed in The Embassy during the War).

We got married in Pennsylvania, where the very fine offerings of Yuengling are as inexpensive as crappo beer like Bud Lite and Coors Lite. And people seem to LOVE the stuff. So that's the only beer we got for the wedding.

So tonight it was Yuengling Porter in pregame, followed by Lager, then Black & Tan, and now I'm on a Light Lager. If that's the lucky formula, I guess I'll be sticking with it tomorrow. Heading to a party after tomorrow's game. Hope the wife can drive.

Two more beer notes: the pubs in Ireland all have pretty much the same beers. Not all Irish beers, but they all have some combo of Guinness (obviously) and Smithwick's (obviously). Then they also all have Budweiser and Coors Light, but never Bud Lite or anything Miller. They ALL have Heineken, but not Amstel.

Got some fireworks on the field now, as Melancon hits the mouthy little weiner Pedroia. Does this guy ever shut up? There is absolutely no reason why Melancon would hit him, yet he's yapping like the little Shih Tzu that he is.

Been about two minutes and he's still flapping his gums.

Give Pedroia credit for going into second hard at Jeter. That's fine. Jeter smart to realize it's coming. I can't stand Pedroia, but the little bastard can play the game. A Yankee is going down in the bottom of the eighth. Sox obviously think Melancon's pitch was intentional. Oh, crap. Warnings were issued. Guess it'll happen early tomorrow, because Francona's not going to let one of his players get him suspended for a game.

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